Expressing Love Daily For A More Successful And Loving Relationship
The best definition of love is that it is the virtue that makes possible the highest states of our personal and spiritual potential. Love encompasses an amazing array of positive and powerful emotional and physical states, from a state of ultimate bliss, the highest human trait or good human emotion, to the easiest pure joy. If this weren’t the case, then we could not enjoy much of anything, since achieving any state of supreme emotional or spiritual being would involve transcending the ego, which most of us unfortunately consider to be the center of the material world.
But when love transcends the need for ego in order to become the basis for deep affection and bonding, then love becomes a form of devotion, which transcends all egoisms and allows for the sharing of one’s most intimate thoughts, desires and dreams. In fact, when love fulfills its purpose, then it is no longer a matter of devotion or desire but becomes a daily very natural, deeply felt need. This need also causes the most powerful and rewarding emotion in humans to manifest in love, a powerful desire for the things that are most important to us. It causes the energy of desire to flourish, and as such, can cause the most satisfying and fulfilling life experience.
Love, then, is the most powerful and rewarding feeling in existence. It is also the most misunderstood feeling in existence. The vast majority of relationships, however, are formed and established on the understanding that love is a fleeting emotion, a one-time occurrence that simply cannot last. But despite the transient nature of this understanding, millions of people still base their concepts of love and romance on that one time-specific feeling, especially if they have been brought up with the conviction that love is only possible between couples in love. They fail to understand that there is so much more to love than meets the eye.
For the majority of people, love means being with each other on a daily basis, experiencing affection and delight as the only natural expression of connection. They fail to recognise, therefore, that love is a two-way street, not a one-way street. True love is a conscious decision, an alignment of one’s values, ideals and attitude with another person’s, and in this alignment there must be an exchange of affection and attention. True love does not exist in a vacuum – it exists in a relationship that is constantly in need of affection and attention.
People confuse love for a feeling, and a common reason for this confusion is the false duality between a “feel good” emotion and a “lasting relationship”. In fact, however, a feeling is only a feeling, while love is not something tangible. Love can’t be controlled by anyone, can’t be achieved, and won’t disappear; it just is. A real, lasting relationship requires two people who are deeply in love with each other to express their feelings at all times, with sensitivity and affection.
True love is the way we connect with others. It is the expression of your deepest feelings and devotion for another. It’s an important part of your life, but it can be so much more. Express your love daily for a more fulfilled, successful, and loving relationship.
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