COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is an ailment caused by a virus known as SARS-CoV-2, the same causative agent of common colds. The ailment affects the lungs and is manifested by persistent cough with a yellow color, wheezing, shortness of breath, and sometimes a tightness in the chest. Those who suffer from COPD often experience shortness of breath even when resting. Others with the illness experience serious breathing difficulties that can lead to asthma attacks and sudden cardiac death.
Those who were exposed to the virus during childhood are the ones who get to bear the brunt of the adverse effects of COPD; most die from this condition in the later stages of their lives. However, some healthy individuals can also succumb to the ailments. Although most of these victims are old aged already and have long since been vaccinated against SARS, there is still a possibility that they can be infected if they are exposed to the virus again after having been fully vaccinated. One way of protecting oneself from getting afflicted with the ailment once more is to undergo annual recurrence vaccinations, which are recommended for everyone regardless of their age. If you have already undergone one vaccination, you may still want to have the disease checked out, just to be on the safe side. It is better to be safe than sorry, so it is best to take preventive measures to avoid having to deal with CO VID-19.
One of the ways of preventing yourself from getting affected with COPD is by avoiding touching or coming in close contact with any live virus. This means that if you used to be a keen fan on touching your nose and hands, now it’s time to put a stop to it. Touching your eyes or your mouth means you are also putting yourself at risk because any open sore or cut on your skin can potentially spread the disease. You should also refrain from kissing anyone and from sharing your personal things, like toothbrushes and razors. Another tip for staying healthy and preventing the disease is to wash your hands often after touching public areas and to avoid using public showers and swimming pools.
The symptoms of COPD do not usually appear until the disease has already spread to the lungs. Once this stage has already set in, you will begin to experience shortness of breath, a chronic cough that refuses to go away, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. These symptoms are quite alarming, especially when you realize how easily they can spread. When you are out in a public area, such as a movie theatre, park, or crowded restaurant, you need to make sure you have your hands covered with either a mask or a piece of clothing that does not allow you to touch the ground. For those who work in an environment where the number of people around you is large, then it would be advisable to wear a full-face mask, as this will filter the air you breathe and keep your condition under control.
If you have noticed any of the symptoms mentioned above, you need to visit your doctor immediately for a diagnosis and to determine if you have contracted pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If you are positive, then your doctor will advise you on the next course of action. There are two ways you can undergo treatment: one is through an individualized treatment whereby you receive medications and treatment one at a time. The second way is through vaccination, which is done through administering small doses of vaccines to ensure you remain healthy. However, if you contract covid, then you need to stay home to avoid spreading the disease further.
Treatment can either be through medication or by undergoing a covid test, which measures your chest mucus to determine if you have caught the virus. A vaccine can prevent the illness from spreading to the lungs but it cannot cure it. If you feel you are suffering from the symptoms of COPD, then you should ask your doctor if you can be given the vaccine. If you decide to do so, then you will be advised to go back to your usual cough or cold symptoms that usually last a few days before you start feeling better. You can also go back to school as long as you feel safe, but do not go beyond your doctor’s orders.
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