In nutrition, the diet is usually the sum total of all food ingested by an organism or a single person. A diet consists of all the food an organism requires to survive and grow normally. The diet can be vegetarian, but strict vegetarian diet is hardly nutritionally adequate. As with any dietary plan, there are many aspects to consider before choosing a diet.
Eating minimally, for weight loss and maintenance, is the only acceptable form of dieting today. With a tight economy and little discretionary income, people are choosing a healthy dieting regimen over fad diets that do not work. Minimal eating is becoming a popular form of dieting. It is based on sensible eating choices and a well-balanced diet. To achieve this, one must first have a good understanding of nutrition and how it applies to one’s individual situation.
Eating minimally, or a “dietary diet”, can consist of only drinking water, consuming a minimum number of fruits and vegetables, and choosing lean meats or fish as the main source of protein. Some people refer to this as a “mono-nutrient” diet. Although the diet does not include any dairy products, some people feel that a dairy diet is necessary to achieve long-term weight loss because certain dairy products are digested more slowly than other foods. In entry 1 of the dictionary, the noun diet has two entries: “diet”, which refer to a controlled eating regimen, and “nutritional diet”, which indicate the food type associated with it.
Diet, as a verb, can mean to prepare, cook, or cook in a manner specified by a recipe or custom. In the context of the verb diet, the primary meaning is “to set in order (for the benefit of the body or food)”. The secondary meaning, which is usually implied in the context of the verb, is “of a specific kind, or in a particular arrangement”. For example, to cook a stew, one would say: I had to cook a stew for the first time. This implies that the stew was prepared in a specific fashion, for the benefit of the person who is cooking it.
The noun diet, in the meaning defined at -I, is used to mean something permanently or regularly consumed; something fixed or regular, in the sense of permanent eating routine. Thus, one might define diet as the set of eating habits that one is supposed to keep. The word diet can also be used in the context of losing or controlling weight. To lose weight means to keep from gaining weight, while to control weight is to keep from gaining weight. One example of the latter is when a man is trying to lose some weight, and he tries to control his diet.
For years I was a big proponent of raw and uncooked vegetables and whole grains. Nowadays, after suffering with several health problems, I’ve turned back to the convenience and regularity of processed foods. At first, I felt that my diet was not heart-healthy diet because I was eating cooked foods that were high in saturated fat and sodium, and trans fats. However, now I know that I was eating the wrong types of foods; consequently, I also know that I can eat all of the fruits and vegetables that I want without having to compromise my health. What I realized is that the heart-healthy diet I am referring to is one way of eating that involves raw and uncooked food, preferably organic foods.
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