Lose Weight and Stay Fit by Eating Real Foods
Eating is defined as the consumption of food, usually to supply nutrients for growth and to enable an organism to grow. Eating is one of the most important physiological processes in all of our lives. While it may not be clear what the function is of eating in human beings, the theory behind eating has been well documented. In this article we will consider some of the major functions of eating.
Eating is a process that involves many different biochemical processes. At the cellular level, when an organism consumes food, there are many different metabolic processes that occur. First, the food is broken down to simple compounds called primary food components. These components are then digested and converted into various energy providing fuels, such as glucose and fatty acids, which are the source of energy that the body needs to perform a number of functions.
Next, complex carbohydrates or starchy foods are metabolized into simple sugars. The glucose or fatty acids are used by the body to provide energy for movement, sensation and posture. During the digestive process the food that was not digestible is pushed further into the small intestine where the majority of its calories (at this point represented by proteins) are absorbed into the bloodstream where they are used by the muscles for energy. The rest of the food remains in the colon, where it can be used as a secondary food source if digestion has not yet finished.
Some people believe that when someone says that they are eating real foods, what they really mean is that they are getting the macro-nutrient value of those foods directly. In this regard, eating is similar to drinking water. When you drink water, you are not drinking water directly, but rather the water is indirectly getting into your body through the porous surface of the glass. Similarly, when an individual consumes foods, they are not directly receiving the nutrient value of those foods, but rather the food gets processed and the nutrient value is sent back down the food chain to a more specific location where it can be consumed directly by the body.
What is meant by eat real foods is that rather than a medium or primary food source such as carbohydrates and starches that will get broken down into simple sugars and stored as body fat, the diet should include more complex carbohydrates or starchy foods to be used as energy. This will ensure that the individual receives the energy they need without loading on the carbohydrates and keeping the weight gain down. Some people have the mistaken idea that if they eat starchy or complex carbohydrates, they feel full longer because the body does not have to break down the simple sugars as it only requires a simple sugar to fuel the metabolism. What it actually means is that they eat less overall and thus not lose the amount of weight they have gained over time because they are burning fewer calories.
A diet for losing weight is not as hard as some people may make it out to be. All one has to do is take the time to find foods that will provide energy for movement, sensation and even respiration, then take the time to eat them as though they were food. If you eat real foods you will be giving your body the fuel it needs and this will enable you to maintain your energy levels until you eat another meal. Then when you eat another big meal, you will have recovered and will be able to eat more without gaining weight! You can read about more tips for eating real foods by following the links below.
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