Mental Health and Wellness: A Necessary Element For Overall Health
Health is a condition of mental, physical and social well being where illness and infirmity are totally absent. A number of definitions have been applied to health, with varying applications over time. Today, when the word “health” is often used, it signifies the complete well being of the body, mind and spirit. It also includes care of the physical body but also extends to a person’s mental health and capacity to enjoy life.
Health determinants are essential in the determination of an individual’s overall health status. The five main determinants are heredity, gender, family history, intelligence and diet. A healthy diet and exercise program, and careful consideration of ones daily lifestyle choices can go a long way towards maintaining a healthy body weight and vital organs. In addition to these determinants, some other factors such as substance abuse, smoking, exercise levels, blood pressure and cholesterol, are all important determinants of overall health.
A personal health assessment is the first step a person must take when deciding to improve his or her physical well being. The assessment involves obtaining information on current health status, and discussing how these changes can be made. The goals of the personal health program include improvement in the patient’s fitness level, decrease in illness or disability, and improvement in self-image. The personal wellness approach also takes into consideration the patient’s resources, especially finances. Finances are always one of the major constraints for any individual wanting to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Having a positive mindset in regard to well-being has become quite essential in modern times. Individuals who suffer from a serious illness, or from physical or mental illnesses, need to adopt a positive attitude for achieving optimum health conditions. Stress management techniques should be part of the treatment plan of patients with chronic illnesses. Stress can have adverse effects on the entire body system and can result in poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and increased weight gain. It also increases the possibility of developing illness due to lack of nutrients and energy, leading to fatigue and ill-health.
People suffering from infirmity or from a serious mental disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder need the assistance of a trained counselor, psychiatrist and psychologist, who can diagnose and prescribe medication, if necessary. Family members and close friends can provide emotional support, and family members should encourage their relative to take a look at their complete physical and mental health history regularly. Family doctors or regional office staff can help people suffering from infirmities or psychological disorders by providing information on a regular basis regarding their health and habits. This kind of information helps them check on the development of any new health problems and can be very useful to patients and their families.
Fitness training is another vital aspect of maintaining good overall health. An active lifestyle that includes exercise and a balanced diet is important in preventing chronic illness and maintaining optimal health. Regular exercise reduces chances of becoming overweight and increases physical activity that strengthens muscles. It also improves body posture and reduces injuries that can lead to pain and disability. It makes a person feel physically stronger and more capable of dealing with everyday life.
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