Health is a condition where sickness and infirmity are completely absent. It includes all the aspects of life, both physical and mental that affect an individual to enable him or her to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is the sum total of the physiological, psychological, social and medical aspects that contribute to the well-being of the human body. In simple terms, it is our body’s way of coping with our environment and other people.
With advances in technology, we are more prone to have health issues, as compared to the past. These include chronic sinusitis, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hypertension, asthma, divorce, child abuse, workplace accidents, workplace violence and cancer. These factors make the work of health professionals all the more challenging.
The causes for ill-health depend on the individual. Illness can be from a physical or mental source. Physical illnesses are mainly due to stress, smoking, alcohol or drug use, occupational exposure to toxic substances and contamination. Mental health issues are caused by trauma, abuse, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, chemical imbalances and genetics. While all these can cause illness and pain, only some are serious enough to warrant seeking professional help. These illnesses range from the mildly annoying to the life threatening.
There are many diseases that threaten the quality of our physical and mental well being and that is why it is important to ensure that we maintain good health. A good diet, regular exercise, rest and relaxation are the basics of maintaining a healthy life. It is also advisable to take note of any recent developments in the field of medicine that might affect your health. Some of these may include genetic diseases, new methods of treatment for existing diseases and immunizations.
It is also advisable to try to prevent diseases rather than treating them when they are already showing symptoms. This is because disease prevention is much cheaper than treatment. In fact, you can prevent a wide array of diseases simply by following a healthy lifestyle. This means a better diet and a decrease in stress levels. Apart from these, it is important to stay active, avoid smoking and ensure that you eat a balanced diet. The right combination of a healthy lifestyle, proper medication and access to quality healthcare facilities will go a long way in ensuring that you are as healthy as you should be.
Disease prevention is also important in maintaining your physical and mental health. People with higher education, rich in social networks and living in advanced communities are less prone to such deadly diseases. People with greater knowledge about disease and healthy lifestyles are less likely to become victims of these deadly diseases. As such, it is wise to follow the guidelines outlined in this reference values on heart disease so that you can live a long and healthy life free from the threat of heart disease.
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