The Differences Between Love and Closeness
Love is a broad group of human behaviors and emotions characterized by intense intimacy, emotional commitment, passion, and care. It involves closeness, affection, support, caring, attraction, trust, and purity. It also involves a sense of self and social comparison and feeling of responsibility towards other people and things.
Love involves feelings of commitment, including loyalty, fidelity, monogamy, and permanence. People in romantic love relationships feel so connected to their partner that they often feel that they are obligated to love that person just as much as they love themselves. This sense of obligation, however, does not mean that the lovers are forced to be true to each other and give as much as they receive. True love does not demand that you give up your own ideals, goals, dreams, or personality.
Romantic love involves feelings of love, which is a powerful emotion that causes us to want to be with someone and to want to be loved. In most cases, these feelings come from within rather than from someone else. As the feelings of love begin to develop and build, two people who are in a relationship may become aware of each other’s intentions or even start considering that relationship as a romantic relationship. However, there are also times when these feelings are more difficult to recognize or are mistaken for sexual attraction.
When this happens, the two lovers need to be honest with themselves. They both have to recognize the difference between loving someone and being sexually attracted to that person. If a person is attracted to another person on a purely physical level, that person is not ready to experience the wonderful positive emotions that love can bring into a relationship. Likewise, if someone is sexually attracted to another person but is in a loving and committed relationship, he or she is likely not ready to experience the same level of positive emotions that love can bring into a relationship. If either lover is unable to let go of their physical attractions, it could prevent them from developing feelings of love and compassion for their partner.
It’s important to recognize both of these types of attractions because they have different affects on how we view our relationships. Physical attractions can limit the possibilities of true love and, as such, should be recognized and ended before they cause problems within a relationship. However, loving and being compassionate towards another person can bring about a much more fulfilling and lifelong relationship. Both people involved in this type of relationship need to be honest about their intentions so that no issues arise in the future. Relationships that include physical intimacy can sometimes be short-lived, but those that last should be built on true feelings for one another.
True closeness, love, and compassion, on the other hand, are much more enduring and beneficial to relationships. True closeness exists when two people feel close to one another on an instinctual level and are connected with one another on an intuitive level. These feelings, once felt, are often hard to shake off. This is because one person feels the need to connect with another on some deep, intuitive level that can only be understood when they experience it for themselves. True closeness is also very different from physical attraction because one doesn’t feel the need to hook up with someone, fall in love with them, or spend time with them.
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