True Intimacy: How Romantic Love Can Transform Our Lives
Love is a group of complex behaviours and emotions characterized by intense intimacy, passionate love, commitment, and emotional connection. It involves emotional bonding, caring, intimacy, commitment, loyalty, adoration, and trust. Love is normally associated with an array of positive emotional states, such as excitement, happiness, optimism, vitality, peace, and joy, but it may also cause negative emotions such as anxiety, resentment, anger, fear, embarrassment, boredom, jealousy, sorrow, envy, and blame. Love is not a static phenomenon, it is an ever changing experience and you are always looking for the best for your mate.
Love has an amazing power to inspire, motivate, energize, and inspire others. Love can transform a bad day into an incredible day, help to build a stronger foundation in a stormy world, open people’s hearts, create miracles, provide self confidence and self respect, make people feel like they have light again, give you back your sacred heart, take away your enemies, fill your life with beauty, joy, spirit, peace, justice, serenity and self realization, make you a better person, raise your self esteem, heal your spirit, bring you closer to your partner, encourage and motivate you when times get hard, fill your life with creativity, achievement, creativity, knowledge, ideals, and passion. All these add up to make love the most important thing in your life. Love is what makes your smile, your laugh, your new song, your new relationship, your new job, your new home, your new life. Love makes everything seem possible.
People in love tend to be optimistic and positive, with high energy levels and high regard for themselves and others. Love is often contagious and spreads through indirect communication – words, body language, actions, intuition, or creative ideas. The early signs of developing true intimacy are often displayed in childhood, when parents support and encourage their children’s positive emotions, especially the emotional intimacy that love brings with it. A child who feels loved and supported will explore those emotions and eventually find ways to express and strengthen them in adulthood.
Love is one of the most powerful human emotions, which has tremendous personal and social impact in the lives of all of us. It helps us to live life passionately, courageously, compassionately and productively. According to The Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, “genuine, erotic love,” is “a powerful force that shapes people’s perceptions and choices… It is an emotion that generates satisfaction and happiness and is the basis for responsible self-disclosure and honesty.”
Successful people are not just highly skilled at what they do; they are also fully aware of their strengths and talents. Their positive feelings about themselves are manifested in their achievements. When we are capable of feeling love for ourselves and others, we are in a position to feel love for others and become effective partners and leaders. When we begin to develop and express our true feelings of love, we will be able to set lofty goals for ourselves and others. We will also become more passionate about our work, because we will have the motivation and strength to give our best every single day.
Love is not something that can be accomplished or attained in one, two, or three days. It takes time to nurture intimate relationships. One of the best ways to nurture love for yourself and others is to take a few minutes each day and engage in a romantic relationship with a close, trusted friend, family member, or colleague. When we make time to nurture romantic relationships within our own daily lives, we will begin to experience intense feelings of intimacy and intense joy. In turn, these feelings of love and intimacy will transform into a more authentic form love, which will have far more impact and positive benefits for our personal and professional lives.
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