Health is a condition where the body is able to withstand acute physical, mental and emotional well being without impairment. It implies a capacity to endure and cope with extraordinary conditions, health, strength of character, resistance to environmental extremes, ability to heal and prevent illness. It is necessary to develop healthy relationships with others, including intimate partners, relatives and colleagues, and to take care of one’s self. A healthy body gives an individual the power to face life challenges with enthusiasm and perseverance. It also gives a sense of power, confidence and control to deal with even the most difficult of times.
According to the fourth and fifth definition of healthy, health would be achieved through a combination of a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, relaxation and exercise. The lifestyle could be described as involving proper diet and regular physical activity to maintain a balanced mind and body. Healthy foods are those that do not have any trans-fats, no processed oils or allergens, no refined sugars, no junk food and no high salt content. A healthy lifestyle would include physical exercises such as walking, swimming, biking, and cycling. Smoking cessation and alcohol counseling may be required for some people.
The sixth and seventh definition of a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle indicate the need for a good environment. This means having access to basic necessities such as shelter, clean water, adequate personal hygiene and space to move around. In developed countries, where income gaps and material conditions are the lowest, these social factors may not be as important because few people have the income to afford them. However, a healthy diet and physical environment are essential to achieve good health.
The eighth and ninth definition of health imply attitudes towards health promotion. This includes the involvement of persons in decision making about health promotion, assessment of current health status and future projections. Persons may choose to work toward a healthy career or to take up part-time work to ensure they have a continuous source of income and can afford the necessary health promotion costs. Organizations may choose to participate in national and international health promotion projects. A healthy society ensures that diseases and health problems are effectively dealt with.
The tenth and eleventh definition of health mean having a healthy lifestyle, which includes maintaining a stable and appropriate weight, being physically active, eating a healthy diet and making sure to get regular physical activity. The importance of regular exercise and diet is underlined by the fact that physical inactivity has been shown to contribute to several kinds of diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. An individual who is physically active and eats a healthy diet has greater chances of avoiding these kinds of diseases and health problems. A healthy lifestyle also includes an individual’s attitude towards stress. This means an individual’s ability to manage stress and cope with changes in his or her routine and emotions.
The twelfth and last definition of healthy behavior and healthy diet emphasizes the importance of practicing a healthier life style. Having a healthy lifestyle entails individual behavior that promotes good health. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle have been proven to lower the risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other kinds of diseases and health problems. This emphasizes the need for individuals to practice the healthy behaviors, such as exercising regularly, taking care of your weight, watching your calories and quitting smoking, before they get too late.
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