Love defines relationships and brings two people together, regardless of race, nationality, or beliefs. In today’s world it seems that love has lost some of its glory. The word love is used by everyone from the religious to the nonreligious. However love is not only defined in the bible or written word. It is a universal feeling which can be expressed through all human interaction. All love does not need an object, it is only a relationship between two independent and self-loving individuals.
Love covers a wide range of positive and strong emotional and psychological states, from the sublime personal goodness, the highest personal spiritual feeling, to the most basic personal pleasure. When two people come together the physical act of love is almost always included. Even if a relationship between two strangers is not based on physical intimacy it is still bound to involve at least some sort of physical intimacy. For a relationship to be successful it needs at least one person to desire and need the other. To put it more simply love is a desire between two independent and self-loving individuals who want and need each other.
The basis for love is the shared experience of deep and lasting friendship, security and trust between two people. This sharing of experience occurs very naturally at the beginning of any relationship and often continues throughout life. When two people come together there is a natural and powerful desire to spend as much time together as possible. Often partners will share a bed, cuddle together and go for long walks. They may eat together and spend time together even on days when they are apart.
But all of these actions will not bring a relationship closer together if these actions do not have the desired effect. A healthy relationship must begin with positive and sincere feelings between two people. A deep friendship is one of the best foundations for loving relationships. Once this foundation is built on mutual love then the partners can spend more quality time together. A relationship based on love means that the partners will be open and honest with each other about their own feelings. They will also be equally honest and transparent with each other about the feelings of their partners.
Developing the sharing of feelings is an important first step to developing a healthy relationship. If you are in a relationship now where love is lacking, then it is your responsibility to build it back up again. You must understand that your good feelings will not just manifest themselves without you making the commitment to share them with your partner, even if you are attracted to them.
To develop strong feelings for another you have to be open and honest about them. Your partner should also be equally as honest and passionate about his or her own feelings. When you are both in a loving and passionate relationship then you will both know what it feels like to be in love. The more emotions both partners can let go of in a relationship the stronger and deeper those feelings will become.
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