Covid, also known as cerebral lipomyelitis, is an inflammation of the brain and surrounding membranes. This condition is caused by a viral infection called the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This virus is still new, only recently discovered, which means it has not been studied as much as other viruses such as the flu. However, there are some cases where people have contracted this virus many years ago and it has not been detected until recent times. Therefore, it is possible that many people may have been spreading this disease for many years without knowing.
The symptoms of covid can vary depending on the extent of the underlying medical conditions or the severity of the symptoms experienced after contact with the disease. Some of the most common symptoms of covid are fever, weakness, joint aches, ocular complications, headaches, a rash, and the development of polydipsia, a pronounced decrease in appetite and weight loss. If the disease is caught early enough, the patient may survive the disease but in those suffering from severe illness, the survival rate is low.
Those at higher risk of getting the condition should take note that having a weakened immune system, AIDS or cancer are the main risks involved in this disorder. People with AIDS are more prone to developing covid-19. Also people who have weak immune systems, sickle cell anemia, HIV or cancer are more prone to developing this condition. However, if the virus has not reached its later stages, the person is still at risk factors, but at a much lower risk level.
When the virus has reached an advanced level, then the most common symptoms of the disease will start to appear. However, symptoms depend on the severity of the condition. People with less severe conditions of the virus may experience cough, fever and some eye infections. Less severe cases may only exhibit flu-like symptoms like headache and a sore throat. More serious cases may show signs of severe complications like seizures, kidney failure and death.
Weakness and swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and armpits are usually one of the first symptoms of covid-19. Muscle pain along the arms and legs is another common symptom of the disease. This can be manifested as weakness in performing simple tasks like picking up objects or moving comfortably. Muscle pains are also common during sleep for the people diagnosed with covid-19.
There are three different classifications of symptoms of covid-19; the first being uncomplicated, intermediate and severe. People who have uncomplicated symptoms of the virus experience no fever, muscle pain or any other kind of symptoms. People with moderate symptoms experience a slightly higher temperature than normal, swollen lymph nodes with a red appearance and moderate fever. People with severe symptoms experience a high temperature and swollen lymph nodes with dark spots and moderate to severe fever. The people who have the strongest symptoms, however, still don’t exhibit any type of visible symptoms, only vague fatigue, muscle pain and headache.
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