Health is a condition of emotional, physical and mental well-being where infirmity and disease are absent. It is an abstract concept with many definitions and it can be regarded as the sum total of all the values that exist parallel to our experience of life. The term health is used in medicine to describe the subject matter of the subject area of health science known as Medicine. This field is increasingly expanding with research and health professionals are inviting more patients to participate in research. What we mean by health is the ability of an individual to live his life well with self respect and without detriment from the surrounding.
The definition of disease has been around for centuries and is found in many dictionaries beginning with the obsolete definition of “liction”. Disease then became a synonym for the Latin word “disease” and came to include mental illness, abnormal physical condition and bodily ailment. Modern practitioners of medicine use a different definition of the term disease, which includes the definition of illness, acquiring of illness, development of illness or prevention of illness. It also includes the chronic character trait of the illness which develops over time.
The study of health involves defining and studying the factors that affect an individual’s well-being and his ability to cope with health issues like disability, pain, depression, anxiety and other psychological or physical illnesses, infections and injuries. The concepts of health and wellness therefore, go hand in hand. There is a natural connection between wellness and health because both derive from the natural environment.
Health is influenced by several outside factors and that these factors do is influence the definition of health and the management of diseases. These factors include social, economic, cultural and environmental factors. Social factors include attitudes towards health and physical activities that promote health or promote a sense of well being. Economics, for example, may influence an individual’s attitude towards health. The public health curriculum teaches the importance of regulating environments through sustainable environments.
There are many benefits of maintaining a healthy diet. One such benefit is that it improves one’s physical and mental health. One’s body is directly affected by the kind of food one eats and what he or she eats every day. Thus, the first step to good health is to establish a healthy diet and a regular lifestyle. The major articles of food that you should eat include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, legumes, lean meat, dairy products, poultry, fish and low fat dairy products.
Mental health is also influenced by the kinds of activities that an individual engages in as part of their daily lives. These activities include family, social activities, sport, recreational, leisure, communication and work. These activities can prevent and control the onset of mental illness and maintain the well-being of the individual.
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