Is there such a thing as “Covid”? There is no official term given to an object or substance that is contaminated or has been contaminated with bacteria or other micro-organisms. In the laboratory, one can use several terms interchangeably, depending on the type of micro-organisms that are present in the media or other objects. If you find that you are confused, read on for some examples.
A community center in New York City tests people for positive influenza on Wednesdays, but does not test for other types of common airborne virus infections like coughs and colds. On Wednesday, July 18th, the test was suspended. The center says that all community centers are now routinely testing on Wednesdays, but have not determined yet if they will continue. Other community centers say they will continue testing Wednesdays and Thursday.
On Friday, a microbiologist notified the Brooklyn hospital where I work that there had been a possible case of Vaginitis due to possible viral contamination between persons who had recently come in contact with each other at a self-testing site on Friday afternoon. The Brooklyn hospital sent me to visit the self-test site in my apartment on Sunday evening. When I went, I detected a greenish-black discoloration on the inside of a brownish vial. I thought it was blood but could not see any blood.
The Brooklyn hospital sent me to a public health clinic where a nurse took a swab of my spit for testing. She asked if I had ever seen anything like it before, and said that it might be related to Vaginitis. Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vulva, and can be caused by various things. The most common cause is the transfer of bacteria from one person’s vagina to another’s penis. A similar thing to Vaginitis is called bacterial vaginosis.
According to the nurse at the public health clinic, we had Vaginitis from a recent sexual encounter, probably a Monday or Tuesday. The next day she tested me for STD’s, and it turned out that I did indeed have Bacterial Vaginosis, or BV. I told her I’d like to go and get tested for all the STD’s, which she kindly did, before scheduling a self-testing site for all infected Brooklyn women. It was nice of her to offer that service.
I was tested on Wednesday, at my apartment, for STD’s; STD’s are categorized according to what type they affect, the highest being Chlamydia and the lowest being gonorrhea. Well, let me say that both of them affect my reproductive organs, but thankfully nothing has actually gotten too bad yet. I’ve been up and down the Broadway Bridge, and have seen both New York City’s monuments from both directions. One has to be realistic about the risk involved, and hopefully, with proper preventative measures, I will not be infected with any STD’s, or else this story could become much longer than it is.
covid | self-testing site | street brooklyn | ‘d like | see | street} Unfortunately, I had to use the self-testing site, and it was embarrassing. The nurse at the public health clinic advised me to wear a sanitary protection, like a pad or liner, and that would be fine. The infection was treated with some over-the-counter anti-fungal cream, but I could feel a bit more sore for the rest of the week, so I asked if I could see the doctors. They said yes, in fact, I should see the doctors as soon as possible, as the problem could recur anytime within the next twenty four to seventy-four hours.
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